Everyone has 43 muscles in their face. When you think about it, our face is always motioning through breathing, talking, eating, blinking, etc. Facial muscles are either in sleep mode or constant activation.
The muscles which are not as active tend to lose a lot of their strength, as well as ability to receive fresh oxygen, while the muscles that are overworking tend to become inflamed from stress. This is why massage is an essential step in receiving a facial treatment!
Facial massage is ideal for anyone. As an esthetician, it's one of my favorite parts of a treatment! I like to think of it as a “workout.” Similar to exercising our bodies regularly, we benefit by developing more toned, stronger, and firmer muscles. The muscles in our face need this same kind of love!

releases tension
tones + strengthens muscles
promotes blood circulation
oxygenates cells
delays signs of aging
enhances relaxation + deep breathing
Written by Megan Caddy
Photography by Beth Solano